Networx nx12
Networx nx12

networx nx12

Over the next two weeks we tried all the instructions in the handbooks but nothing helped, including trying re-setting the date and time, as well as viewing the alarm memory - *3 but had no zone lights at all. I tried *7 but it didn't re-set the light or code. I used *2, then saw 1, 6 and 8, pushed 1 and saw 7 (expander trouble). I tried to use our re-set code but nothing happened. Full Power, full service and fast flashing fire alarm. During the morning I found the power pack was part-out, powered it off, pushed it back in and powered it up on the wall, and started to received 3 lights. The next day the system was completely off (flat back-up battery, and yes, we had replaced the battery a few years ago but still can be charged, and weve bought another larger - 12V6.5aH - new one in the last week). The system gave up an alarm (low noise, not loud, but still worked, sort of, otherwise I would up and running) and one of our family members re-set the system using our normal codes but didn't knew what was wrong. Two weeks ago late one night the power pack was half knocked out of the wall power socket but no-one noticed it. We have an NX-12 (marked a 6/12 'chip') board in a NX-16 case and with a Vertex s4157 16-zone codepad. We've had a reliable system for more than 9 years and have dealt with a few minor issues ourself with our copies of the 6/12 and 8/16 Owner and Installion Manuals, as with a couple of short phone calls with advice from our original installing company - who gave good support.

Networx nx12